【紀錄短片】七笑人 The Nutty Optimist (32min)


2008 鈕承澤(豆導)代言 無名小站「無名良品」紀錄片類 首獎 以及 最佳網路人氣 TOP1
(於台北信義威秀影城 公開播映)


故事是在紀錄一位年逾三十的壯年男子黃宏進,個性熱情、樂觀、有想法,並自認為很帥。他的談吐風趣,歌也唱得不錯,總是能在看似普通的生活中帶給周遭的人們歡笑。他有正當的職業,也有廣泛的興趣,但是一把年紀了,感情卻始終沒有著落。究竟是什麼原因使他單身,是社會環境?是個人因素?還是緣分未到?在影片的最末,我們究竟有沒有找到問題的 答案?這若有似無的感覺,其實只有當事人最能體會。

About the Film
Huang Hon Jin, a 30 year-old male full of ideas and passion, is a self-proclaimed good looking man with a sense of humor and a charming voice. With a nice day job while being a man of many interests, Huang is the guy that bring laughters and joy to the people aorund him in the mundane of daily life. As good a life as a man could dream for, Huang is yet to find himself a significant other. Is it the environemtn, or does the problem lie within Huang himself? The purpose of this film is to bring the subtly of Huang's world into our daily life, and see if we and Huang would eventually arrive at the core of his (and our) personal problems.



About the Director
Jerry Chen, born in Tainan in 1987. Studied arts and design in high school. Jerry had his first contact with film making as he began studying in visual communication in Kun Shan University. Having directed some short films as well participating in other parts of film making process, Jerry started to grasp the relationhip between himself and the world around him. "The Nutty Optimist" is his short documentary film debut.

熱氣球影像工作室 http://balloon-films.blogspot.com/
奔跑的蛋影像製作團隊 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/runningegg

監製 陳博文 老師
導演 陳鵬宇 (鵬鵬)
企劃 蔡鈺銣 黃健珉
製片 蔡鈺銣 陳鵬宇
攝影 陳鵬宇
攝影助理 黃健珉
後期製片 李明萱
剪輯特效 吳斌順
字幕聽寫 郭冠志 陳玄修 李明萱
字幕校定 沈郁綾 李明萱 陳鵬宇

黃宏進 黃章庭 黃慧玲 黃淑芬 買嘎 施柏州 許書郎 蔡爸爸 蔡媽媽 蘇盈菁 榮明兄

周慶岳 廖克曦


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